India meets Italy (vegetarian)
Italian classics meet the secrets of Indian cuisine. Let us take you on a culinary journey through the delicacies of Italian and Indian cuisine and experience how wonderfully these two cuisines can be combined.
Burrata ChaatCreamy burrata, cumin, chili, roasted tomato salsa, mango chutney and Indian biscuit**Bruschetta ‘Indian style’Tomatoes, paneer and mint chutney*Insalata di ceci, finocchio e arancio con condimento di anice, datteri e limoneChickpea and fennel salad with Indian-inspired aniseed and date dressing*Polpette di ricotta e spinaci speziate con un cremoso curry di pomodori e cashewRicotta and spinach dumplings in a spiced tomato and cashew curry*Involtini di melanzane e lenticchie al fornoBaked eggplant and lentil rolls*Basmati pulao con funghi misti, cipolle caramellate e olio al tartufoAromatic basmati pulao with mixed Italian mushrooms, caramelized onions and truffle oil*Naan ‘Pizza’ – naan fatto a manoPizza with fresh, hand-rolled naans*Gorgonzola naan*Pesto di coriandolo e anacardiPesto of coriander and cashew nuts**’Tea-ramisu’- fatto con chai! ‘Tea-ramisu’ with Indian chai